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just a few of our products

We at Fichera Foods are pledged to bring you the finest, most consistent product possible, thereby maintaining our reputation as one of the finest meat suppliers in the tri-state area and beyond.

Veal Leg Slices and other veal cuts
Hand Sliced




Our veal products are second to none. In using nothing but the finest veal legs obtainable, and separating the more tender muscles from the others, we are able to insure that all our veal slices will be tender and uniformed when served. Not many companies follow this procedure –we insist on it






Our veal products are second to none. In using nothing but the finest veal legs obtainable, and separating the more tender muscles from the others, we are able to insure that all our veal slices will be tender and uniformed when served. Not many companies follow this procedure – we insist on it.

All our veal cutlets are pounded and sliced by hand.

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